Friday, July 20, 2012

Long Time Gone

I've had sooo many things that I wanted  to and meant to tell everyone about and then for some reason my watch gobbled up all my time and forgot to warn me that it was moving at warped speed. Where does time go? I remember when I was younger and I felt like it too forever for Christmas to come, and the 6 months in between that and my birthday was almost too much to handle. Now its been almost two months since my birthday and I still feel like my birthday was yesterday.

I'll do better! Starting now! This is my kitty, you've seen him before. But I love this photo of him. Its dying for a good caption. He was looking super cute and gazing at me with his big green eyes and then I pushed the button on the camera and this is what I got! He's yawning/noise making but not roaring although it does look like he's giving shit to something. And he is standing in a mess of his making from when he cleared himself a place to sleep. I guess I have to love him anyway just because he's too cute!

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